Let’s eat a little healthier!

AS I get older, I realize just how important good health is. I want to be able to stay in my house forever. I don’t want my arthritis to get to me so that I can’t go up and down stairs. I don’t want to spend a fortune on health care. I don’t like pain, and I don’t want to by bigger clothes!

So here’s a few things I thought of, that you might also want to incorporate into your life style.

  • Get moderate exercise – I hate organized exercise, but I can walk and garden. Even hanging clothes on the line gives me a stretch!
  • Eat at least a little healthier: I use an air fryer now instead of deep frying food, and most of it really does taste just as good.
  • I don’t buy any box mixes or convenience foods – most are loaded with sugar and salt. I’ve tried to eliminate sugar from my diet (it’s a terrible inflammatory substance, horrible for arthritis) – but it appears in nearly everything you buy in a box or can. Go read a few labels and see! Canned fruit, cookie and cake mixes, even ketchup and most breakfast cereals are chock full.
  • Drink water. I gave up my beloved Dr. Pepper years ago due to cost, but even diet soda’s without sugar are not good for you. Full of chemical and preservatives, soda, juice mixes (except for true 100% juice) and sports drinks are not healthy. Water, even in coffee or tea form, is a necessity for your body. Nothing like a cold ice-cube filled insulated container full of water. I really don’t miss soda at all.
  • Cook and bake from scratch – yes, it takes time, but 50 years ago nobody bought fast food or frozen boxes on a regular basis. Our parents and grandparents cook and ate what they raised and grew. When you are in your kitchen though, no more preservatives, and chemicals in what you put on the table.

I’ve mentioned before that I have been buying organic produce delivered weekly to me by Misfits Market. I love their service – sometimes I choose what I want, and sometimes I let them surprise me. I choose to have my 10-12 pounds delivered on Thursday – I have fresh produce for when I cook the most of the weekend, and plan meals for next week. You even save 25% on your first order by using code COOKWME-NX3NKU .

Little changes can add up, just be persistent and careful!