Do you have any life-long habits? Those things you do that stem from childhood. I do – habits formed growing up that I never even recognized until later in life. Habits are formed when actions are repeated for 30 days. Those formed in childhood, practiced over and over again, become ingrained in the fabric of our personality.
Growing up on a dairy farm, we all had chores to do daily. School was our day job, but chores awaited us when we got home. As soon as we got off the school bus, we had 20-30 minutes to change our clothes and get a snack before heading to the barn. Mom often had fresh baked cookies waiting. My brother always wanted a peanut butter sandwich.
Then it was off to feed the cows, dishing out grain in the summer, or silage & grain during the winter.

Even though I work from home now, and have for years, those 2 things are ingrained in me. When I am done work, I change into sweats or leggings, something comfortable. It’s a signal to my brain that I am done for the day. When I worked as a veterinary technician, groomer and kennel operator, I always grabbed a snack when I walked in the door. after work. Sometimes I still do this as I walk out of my office and through the kitchen today! It was years before I recognized these two habits as something stemming from childhood.
My other life long habit also stems from the farm. Supper was always at 5 pm sharp. We all ate, then head back to the barn. While my parents and brother usually did the milking, I fed the calves, parceled out hay slices, washed equipment and generally made myself handy.
After the cows were put to bed, we were all finished with work, and back in the house there was a snack at 9 pm. Most of the time this was ice cream or popcorn. Sometimes my brother made a Chef Boyardee box mix pizza (for those of you who might remember these – do they still sell those things?). In summer, it was a slice of watermelon eaten while sitting on the kitchen porch steps (so we could spit the seeds).
To this day, ice cream calls my name at 9 pm. I try to resist.
I’m sure there are probably other things that still influence me. We all knew how to work, for sure, and all of us kids have good work ethics. Some things I still wouldn’t recognize.
Please tell me – what has influenced you as a child, that you still do today?