Pet Vaccines Explained

As a veterinary technician I learned to abbreviate a lot of things.  Like any other industry, veterinary medicine has it's own language.  And an alphabet of acronyms for all the things handled in a veterinary hospital. Vaccines are one of the most basic things you can do for your pet. Each letter in the alphabet … Continue reading Pet Vaccines Explained

Fox Pines Meat Rub

This is my favorite dry rub for meats - great on ribs, steaks and chicken. It's both sweet and smoky and a bit spicy. This will make about 1.25 cups. 1/4 cup smoke paprika 1/4 packed brown sugar 1/4 cup ground cumin (if you grind your own, so much the better) 1/4 c coarse sea … Continue reading Fox Pines Meat Rub