snow on pine trees

Autumn clean up around the house

Okay, so we had our first snowfall – a light dusting but enough to let us know that fall is giving way soon to winter.

So as usual I am now rushing around to get things in the yard  & house, making things ready for winter, like:

    • Birds baths cleaned, bowls inside (since they are ceramic they would crack if left out) and covered up the bases with plastic.
    • Cleaned up the bird houses to remove all the old nests.  Some birds may use them over the winter as shelter.
    • Pulled out any thing remaining in the now frozen garden to throw onto the compost pile.
    • Put the mesh cover over the koi pond to keep leaves out
    • Brought the elephant ear (Taro)  plant inside out of the pond since it’s a tropical plant, and trimmed it back.
    • checked the stock of bird seed.  Though I am a bird watcher and feed the birds year orotund, they haven’t been coming much this fall.  Soon they will need the energy from suet fat and sunflower seeds to keep their body warmth.  So now the feeders are cleaned up and ready for the winter feeding season.
    • Put the koi pond to bed – trimmed up any remaining foliage on plants, trimmed back ornamental grasses and cleaned up any leaves in the pond.
    • Store away any remaining flower pots off the porch and deck.

My husband takes care of the leaves by sucking them up with the mower, and cleaning the gutters, and together we moved all the patio furniture into storage so it’s out of the weather.

Allrighty then, all ready for more snow!
