Do you need help writing content for your site, business, or blog? Have you gotten a request to write an article?
That’s terrific – except you don’t feel comfortable writing it yourself. I can help you look your best by writing it for you. One of the things I do here at Fox Pines Homestead is write. If you can relay to me your ideas, and thoughts and the scope of the project I will put together a proposal for your needs.
Suppose you have been asked to contribute a 500 word article about one aspect of your business. You know what you do, and you do it well. But how to describe it in a clear and concise manner may not be your strong suit.
Or perhaps your SEO person has said you need a blog, but you don’t have the time, ideas or ability to write an article every week. I can do it for you!
Need a human interest story? I have extensive experience in the pet industry. I can always write a piece about pets. Just let me know what kind of an article you would like – you choose the topic and tell me how long it needs to be.
I’m also good at research, so if you need something I am not familiar with, or if you aren’t even sure what you need, I’ll be happy to set aside sometime to find out. I have contacts in many industries who might also be able to help.
You always have final approval of the writing and your suggestions and clarifications will be needed after the first draft. let me know what I can do to help you.
Good to know!