"Just do your best. That's all I can ask". Mom said those words to me many times. It was an important life lesson. Those Words Apply Even now, in Retirement Of course, Mom referred to schoolwork when I was growing up, but I have found these words to follow me throughout life. I became an … Continue reading Words to Live by – Mom’s Best Advice
Month: December 2024
“Souper” Easy Beef Stroganoff Casserole for a Winters Evening
Winter requires a comforting casserole, something easy to throw together. Easy Beef Stroganoff is a perfect answer. I saw this idea in an old casserole book from the 1990s. It lacked a good flavor profile, so I amplified it and turned it into this version. A casserole with pantry ingredients Easy Beef Stroganoff Casserole uses … Continue reading “Souper” Easy Beef Stroganoff Casserole for a Winters Evening
A Great Winter Soup to Beat Winter Chills
An easy, hearty soup perfect for a chilly winter day! Turn pantry basics into a tasty soup in less than an hour.