I’ve found many things can be used in an unexpected new way, not for the purpose in which they were intended. Using an item you already have in a different way can help prevent the clutter that can occur by having all kinds of only-one-purpose items.
- WD -40 – originally made for lubrication, it also works great to remove sticky adhesive left behind when removing labels. It also removes gum!
- Silicone ice cube trays – also work great for freezing small portions of tomato paste, wine, lemon juice, garlic paste or grated ginger. Once frozen, pop out and keep in a zip lock bag in the freezer. And a hard plastic ice cube tray works great in a drawer to organize a lot of small items. Like earrings for example.
- Mason jars – of course originally meant for canning food, they are easily used for holding dry goods like beans as well. But with a small adapter, such as a pouring spout or handled lid, they become even more handy for liquids like oil, vinegar or, in my case, milk.

4. Pastry cutter – made for cutting butter or lard into flour, it also works great to mince up ground meat in a sauce to lovely small and evenly sized pieces. A potato masher can do the job too. I like the Oxo pastry cutter – nice and strong. I’ve had the same one for years.
5. An old pot – this “trick” is more about recycling rather than throwing away. I have an old enamel soup pot. The enamel is worn and chipped off in spots inside, but it doesn’t leak. It now proudly sits in the corner of the counter just waiting for all my vegetable

6. A soap dish turned cat food server – my old Ragdolls don’t like simulation to their whiskers when eating…. Whisker Fatigue is a real thing – and so rather than one of my good saucers, I found these flat bottom soap dishes at Walmart in their Mainstays Accessory selections. At only a little over $2 each they work great and wash up easily. Just don’t get soap dishes with ridges in the bottom.

7. A clothespin – use one to hold teabags or a sachet of herbs to the rim of a pot.

8. A wooden spoon – works well to hold the edge of a lid up when a pot needs to vent.

9. A paper towel cardboard tube center can hold folded up electrical cords or plastic grocery bags. Just carefully fold up extension cords and push into a tube to keep them from getting tangled. Grocery bags can be pushed in one end and removed from the other. Or rubber band two towel cardboard rolls together and use as boot trees in your tall boots.
10. Dried beans – I keep a couple bags of dried beans in a separate container for using as pie weights. A couple bags of beans from the dollar store are a lot cheaper than ceramic or clay pie weights!! Mark the container to so they don’t get confused with beans to be cooked! The can be used over and over again. Just line the pie crust with a piece of parchment paper, pour the beans on top, and blind bake as normal. Let the beans cool and put them back in the same marked container for next time.