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Why I Shop on Line

I can shop form my kitchen island


Let’s face it – we’re all busy these days.  In my little town we have 2 grocery stores, 1 hardware store, and assorted small business that mostly cater to tourists.  Oh, and two liquor stores.  That’s about it for shopping.  The closest big box stores and Walmart’s are 35-40 minutes either north or south.  So a trip to shop has to serve multiple conditions to get me to spend and hour of my time driving plus the gas.

I save money

Enter the internet.  I can find anything I want, shop from any store, and often get free delivery, which beats paying for the gas.  And the box shows up on  my door step.  Yes, it’s a couple days, so it’s not instant gratification.  But I don’t cruise the store picking up unnecessary impulse items either.

i can find what i want

How many times have you gone to a store for a specific item, but can’t find it? so now you’ve lost that time as well as the gas.  And maybe you’ve gone on to another store still searching.  Well, on line I can comparison shop between stores for price, and maybe even find something a bit better than my initial purchase.  This is especially good for a hard to find item, or something new I just saw in a magazine.

Convenience, of course, and lots of choices

Convenience is probably my biggest factor.  I can shop whenever i want.  Especially in the evening after the day is done, and I really don’t feel like going out to run errands.  Or early am before my day gets started.  Nothing like a cup of coffee and my laptop to start the day!  I also can find many more items of whatever I am looking for than going into one store, where maybe there are only one or two choices.

If you have children, shopping in a store can be a real hassle from what I have seen. Who wants to deal with a screaming child in public (and they are not picking up items off the shelves)..

I also can drop ship gift wrapped packages to family or friends, without having to box things up  and go to the post office myself.

i can save money

Beside saving gas money, I can comparison shop for the best price.  I can get deals offered via emails from some companies.  I get free shipping, especially with Amazon Prime…more  about that in a minute.  On line shopping reduces impulse purchases – well, most of the time anyway.

i avoid crowds

Self explanatory.  I haven’t gone to a mall in 20 years.  Especially at Christmas.  I do not enjoy standing in lines, being jostled by other shoppers, or the chance of being a mark for a pick pocket.  I don’t have  to make multiple trips to the car to put heavy bags away before continuing onward.  Once you even find a parking spot that is.

my favorite online shopping sites

Amazon, of course.  It’s amazing – I have yet to fail at finding something I want.  There are so many sellers on Amazon that literally it seems like anything in the world is on there.  I even buy some food this way.  I do pay the subscription price for Amazon Prime, and items clearly marked as a “prime” product are always shipped free, usually in 2 days.  Over the course of a year it’s still cheaper than gas in the vehicle, or paying shipping fees.  And  I see more and more items where a coupon can be appliled for more savings, with just a  click.

Walmart sells a lot on line, and is a competitor of Amazon.  I do occasionally shop here as well.

Etsy – just the best place for lots of homemade or custom items.  I have purchased knives and cutting boards for example, from craftsman online stores.  I am helping someone else make a living, and get a beautiful one of a kind item to boot.

eBay – for anything I want to find gently used or when I am looking for a real bargain.  Every once in a while I get to bid on something I’m looking for and manage a great deal.  I’ve also sold things we no longer want or need via eBay, so I can make a bit of money rather than throwing something away.

And recently for clothes, Coldwater CreekTheir clothes fit me just right, and I love all the fall colors this years.  Not inexpensive, but these clothes can take me over the course of several years.  When do turtleneck sweaters ever go out of favor for fall?

And one more hint about shopping online – I have set up deliveries from Fed Ex and UPS for no signature required on my part.  We use a large plastic box someone threw away – the kind that chair seat cushions are stored in outside – next to the door, with a sign stating

“Fed Ex,  UPS, and USPS deliveries here please” – and all my regular drivers know where to put packages so they are out of the weather.

Yes, UPS and Fed Ex know where I live for sure.

What makes you want to shop on line? Or maybe, what DON”T you like about it?


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