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Making Warm & Wonderful Chicken Noodle Soup

chicken noodle soup

Homemade Chicken Noodle soup


As I write this is a blustery, dreary February day, perfect for chicken soup.  The wind is whipping the trees about, wailing loud enough to be heard inside. And when I went out with the dogs for a minute, the cold is making the trees squeak, groan, and complain.  It’s actually a little scary!  My husband had a different view – “Look”, he said, “the trees are dancing!”   very interesting observation from my guy, who is not the glass-half-full kind of person.  But what a lovely way to look at it.

The other lovely thing today – chicken noodle soup!  It’s my favorite. I made it last night, after a day of being under the weather.   I had it for dinner, and went to bed very early. Feeling better today, & it’s an easy and delicious lunch.  When we were kids we even ate it for breakfast before leaving at 7 am for school.  My brother would heat up a can of condensed chicken soup – you know the kind.

So here’s how I make it:

1 onion diced up
2 stalks celery, chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 carrot, diced or sliced
1 qt chicken broth or water and soup base mix
salt and pepper to taste
onion, garlic powder, &/or celery salt,  to taste
herbs of your liking – I usually use dill
4 oz noodles, small or large
chicken – leftover is fine, like I had, or cut up fresh chicken breast, or thighs

Saute the onion, celery & carrot in a couple tbsp of oil (I prefer Olive oil). when it starts to soften, add in the garlic*.

Stir around a minute, then put in the raw chicken, if you are using it, and let it brown a minute too.  Add in the chicken stock, and then the water.

Stir in the seasonings, and the leftover chicken, if using it instead of the raw chicken, and taste.  Bring to a simmer, and add the noodles (any kind you like).

Let simmer until the noodles are cooked, another 10 minutes or so.

This is a good basic recipe, and feel free to add in other seasonings, like a bit of horseradish (some kick!), poultry seasoning, or other herbs like parsley, marjoram, lemon thyme.


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